Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Ring Post: What We Struggle With Most as Small Business Owners

This week's EART Team blog ring post is very topical for me, because what I'm struggling with most currently is TIME... as in; not enough of it, juggling priorities, and snagging some quality family time.

Running a business takes a lot of time. It seems sometimes that there is so much "stuff" to do for my business to function that I have a hard time finding the time to actually create, which is sad because that's the reason you start a handmade business in the first place - to create!

I'm constantly trying new systems from lists, to notes, to agendas, to staying up too late at night to try to get everything done. Some things work better than others but the thing that usually helps the most is to "get off the computer!" Computers seem to suck up time, hours pass in mere minutes and nights get incredibly short while your on it... which is why this post is fairly short today - I'm getting OFF the computer and creating! ;D

Have a great day everyone, see you tomorrow!!

Take a look at what other Team members struggle with by reading everyone's blog ring post starting here: the EART blog


  1. It's really true that the computer sucks up all of your time! I am trying to balance crafting with school (I'm a full time college student) and building a business to support my bead and jewelry making. It's a full time job!

    Callie Garp

  2. The computers are sucking when it gives you certain types of errors that can't solved by you and you have to replace your hardware configuration.

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Wood & Copper! My jewelry display at the Weekend Boutique trunk show.

Display views from the Weekend Boutique! I love designing my display almost as much as I love designing jewelry! What do you think? Do you...